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YouTube on Profile 1.0.1

   (1 review)

4 Screenshots

About This File

Mit diesem Plugin können eure User ein YouTube-Video in ihrem Profil anzeigen (siehe Screenshot).

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after install I put my video ID then save. but in profile I got this message:

Firefox Can’t Open This Page

To protect your security, www.youtube.com will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

Learn more…

how can I solve that?

Response from the author:

Hi, I guess it's one of your Firefox settings or a plugin. I never use FF so it's basically out of the box on my system and I don't have that alert. Or it has to do with the video itself. Can you please open a thread for support and not the limited review function? Thank you.

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