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Hi guys, there are a few changes ...

We had created this club actually only because of the support for the downloads offered on this site, so that it does not come to a confusion of different languages.

As you might have noticed, IPS is closing the existing Marketplace and there will be a new, independent one. There will only be links to the developers' pages and no direct downloads anymore (as a provider I am already registered over there).

In the course of this I have moved my extensions to a separate site, which will be completely bilingual from the beginning. You can log in directly with your existing InvisionFocus account or create a new one. The topics in this club will not be deleted, but set to read only.

You can find it at v0rt3x.dev, all my files offered here already link directly there. It will not only be about InvisionCommunity, but also about topics like WordPress and whatever else comes to my mind.

I am really looking forward to welcome you there :)

Best regards


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