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FX News Lite (English Support)


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This plugin is a set of pages templates including some settings that allow you to create news pages similar to the one we use here. This logically refers to the articles themselves and not the theme around them.

The big hero header images and the tab menu would simply not work with many themes from the marketplace. Besides, there are some gimmicks running in the background, for which you would need a prepared database.

But this implementation works without any problems with your existing databases. You only have to change the templates and can change the look according to your ideas in the plugin settings.

The first release (1.0.3) contains two templates for "Featured Articles", you can see on screenshots 2 and 3. With the next releases there will be additional templates for the article view, article listing and category overview.

Screenshots and the download itself can be found HERE.

If you find any bugs, please report them in the thread. Of course I'm always happy about feedback.

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Sorry to write English. Im Dutch and my German is not to best :) 

1st, thank you so much for the template. Its is so much better now. I installed in and it is working great on the news section:


I can't activate it on databases shown as categories. Example: This one: https://www.duken.nl/forums/handleidingen/ shows 3 categories. The templates whitin does not have you great template ;) image.thumb.png.1f6f9efe2f9e31bc9c81dd45d9705f6e.png

And is there a way to use this template as an template on a block?


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Hi Duken, thanks for the feedback. English is fine, that's why we have this thread :slightly-smiling-face:

Like described this first release contains only the templates for the featured records view. Took a little bit longer than I thought because I can't simply copy and paste the templates we are using here. I had to recode everything yesterday.

Templates for the regular records list and categories will follow in the next couple of days. Right at the moment I am working on the record display, which will also have some extra features.

Screenshot (9).png

(Not much to see yet :grinning-squinting-face:)

When that is done I can add a template for a block based on that layout too.

FX News is a bigger project btw., there will also be a new free theme that fits perfectly to the articles ...

FX News, Beta 1.png

(Raw edit preview, still in progress)

When all that is done an application with pro features will follow. That app will come with a collection of different looking blocks and page layouts.

With that you will be able to create "real" news sites like this one for example https://smartmag.theme-sphere.com/prime-mag/

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Version 1.0.4 uploaded, added article display template.

Thumbnail view ...


Header Image view ...


New settings ...


Hope you like it. This is how it looks by default btw., find all differences :winking-face:



Also cleaned up plugin settings a little bit.

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Looks cool :thumbs-up:

I actually wanted to avoid a 2-2-3-3-3-3-3-3 layout, usually I take blocks for things like that.

For example I take one block with 2 featured Items and below that I show unfeatured Items in smaller size only.

WIth a 2-3-mix you have only the latest articles on the top with a big image, not the important/featured ones. But I'm sure everyone sees it differently.

Besides, the thumbnails would always have the same height, which I don't think looks so good with items of different widths.

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Version 1.0.5 uploaded, added 2 article listing templates.



There are also some settings to make the article listing look a little bit different to the featured view, like other thumbnail sizes or longer preview texts.


To speed this up I decided to code this templates before the blocks, also maybe this would be more important to the majority of users.

Tomorrow I'm pretty busy but I hope the blocks will be ready on thursday. I am thinking of a simple one with just the article boxes and an accordion like Downloads and other apps are using.

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