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Bravo 6 (English Support)


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Thanks for all the work done yet.


I think it would be good, if those buttons would be better visible also in the unhighlighted state.

Which parameters need to be changed? I tried a few, but always got the wrong ones :-)



Bearbeitet von maniac
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New in 1.1.1

Editor is a little lighter now ...


You can edit this by yourself via ...

.ipsApp .cke_top {
    background-color: transparent;

Transparent is the original value, it has changed to #aaa now. Or you simply upload a whole new editor skin like this one https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/moono-dark

Background of moderated threads has changed ...


Am 3.11.2020 um 15:12 schrieb maniac:

Which parameters need to be changed? I tried a few, but always got the wrong ones :-)



First color is called "Link button" in Theme settings "Button Colors".

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I posted this in the other thread and will try it here again. So, this is a very nice theme and I am using on my site. One point I think could be improved. It is background color for status messages on the activity stream. Like in the IPS-defaut theme there should be no different background color. What do you think @V0RT3X


Also, within the code tag the font-color is too dark. I would like to raise the request to make this one more bright too.

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We have a tutorial for things like that, a bit older and in german but Google or Deepl can translate it for you ...

Instead of using the direct color you use a CSS class for group formating. Classes can be individual for every theme.

You should use the custom.css template, not the bravosix because it's not affected by updates.

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Hi @theoldie,

please edit this two parts in bravosix.css ...

/* Bravo 6 Button Row */
.ipsButtonRow::before {
  //opacity: 0.5; /* Removed in Update 1.2.1 */
  background-color: #121212;
  border: none;
.ipsButtonRow li:last-child > a {
  //color: #000;  /* Removed in Update 1.2.1 */


It will be included in the next update too, but it can take some time until it is approved at the Marketplace.

And thanks for the help to make the theme better :thumbs-up:

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